January 12, 2012

Have your cereal and eat it too!

Grain Free and Sugar Free Cereal

I love breakfast foods and I am always am looking for different breakfast ideas.   I love eggs, but sometimes I want something different and a little sweet.  I have always loved cereal.  When I was a kid, I liked raisin brain and frosted shredded wheat.  As I got older, I switched to Chex, Cheerios, you know, the healthy stuff!  NOT!   I haven't kept cereal in the house for about 5 years because there was always something in it that would make me eat the whole box in a few days even if it was unsweetened!  Now it all makes sense!  It was the grains!  

This is a granola or a cereal.  You can snack on it during the day or have it for breakfast in the morning.  My husband says it taste better than granola.  He was excited about having it for breakfast this morning.  He says I should sell it... I think he really likes it ;-)

You don't have to use the same nuts.  Use what you like.  I actually meant to use walnuts, but realized after it was in the oven, that I omitted them.  Next time I will include walnuts, Brazil nuts and macadamia nuts.

I have been making small batches of ice cream (recipe to come) using only the egg yolk so this was a great way to use the egg whites I had been accumulating in the fridge.   The whites serve as the binder and holds the spices on.  Be sure to taste the granola before it goes into the oven.  Adjust the sweetness to your liking. 

All nuts should be unsalted and raw is preferable (not roasted).  Also when baking, keep the temperature low.  Flax seeds have a low smoking point (225 degrees) so anything higher will oxidize their oils. 

No Grain Granola/Cereal
(Inspired by Girl Gone Primal)

1 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes (make sure it is unsweetened)
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup flax seeds

2 egg whites
1/8 tsp stevia powder (or more to taste)
1 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice (or just cinnamon)
1 1/2 tsp vanilla

Almonds, pecans, coconut, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds
Fold in with beaten egg whites, stevia and spices. 
  1. Beat egg whites until soft peaks form.  
  2. Add stevia, pumpkin pie spice and vanilla. 
  3. Add nuts to egg white mixture and mix well.  Taste for sweetness.
  4. Line a jelly roll pan (cookie sheet) with parchment paper (not wax paper)
  5. Spread granola over parchment paper.
  6. Bake in a preheated oven just below 225 degrees.
  7. Cook for 80 minutes, stirring it every 20 minutes (just set a timer).
  8. Then you can just turn off oven and leave for 1 hour or longer to continue to dehydrate. 
  9. Remove and allow to cool before placing in an air tight container.
  10. Makes about 4 cups
Breakfast.  For the kiddos, you could sprinkle in a few raisins or dried cranberries.

1/2 cup has about 5 carbs compared to regular "healthy" granola has at least 30-40 grams and no one ever eats just  1/2 cup but this stuff will fill you up! 


  1. Love this recipe! I have 3 hungry kiddos to feed, they consume a LOT of breakfast cereal (same as an adult male). How much would an adult male eat of this cereal for breakfast? How long will it last in storage?

    1. Penny, glad you like the recipe! The first time I made it, I went to bed with 4 cups and I woke up with 1 cup so I think my husband really liked it! I would start off with perhaps a cup. It is going to be much more filling than regular cereal and require lots of chewing from the nuts. As far as how long it will last, so far I have had some a week but it's almost gone and taste as good as it did the first day I made it. I am going to make a a few batches today and I will hide some of it from my husband and keep an eye on if for a few weeks to see how it holds up!

  2. Hi,
    I found your blog via a link in a low carb facebook grou and just wanted to tell you how much I LOVE this cereal! I am crazy about cereal of any kind - healthy, sugary, hot, cold, and everything in between.
    I never thought I'd find a grain free low carb cereal that would fill that void. I made this last week and am so pleased with it. I added walnuts and cacao nibs and I've eaten it cold with cream and splenda, and hot with cream and sugar free maple syrup. Yum!
    I enjoy your blog very much.

    1. So Glad you liked it Deni! There are lots of variations that you can try and it really feels you up! This is also good when you have the munchies! ;-) Glad you are enjoying the recipes!

  3. Is there a way that you can make this recipe into granola bars

  4. @Vicki, sorry so long getting back to you! I have thought about a granola bar with it, perhaps using almond or peanut butter. That sounds yummy and filling!

  5. I love this cereal! I made it with a vegan egg substitute and it worked great! (1/3 cup flax seeds and 1 cup water blended until thick. Have you tried this? It almost even has the consistency of egg.) It came out delicious!

  6. I made this yesterday...and it's awesome. I did add a tad more stevia...but I believe even hubby loved it. It's a great change for morning cereal!!!

  7. Holy wow. This is so good! I made some last night and am seriously, thoroughly impressed. I, too, am (was) a bit of a cereal junkie before going sugar and grain free and I have been really missing that satisfying crunch! I had a bowl of this granola last night in milk (regular cereal style) and it hardly budged my blood glucose. Wonderful! I am eating some this morning for breakfast in some full-fat, unflavored greek yogurt with blueberries on top. Heaven! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

  8. Yummy! I am so glad you wrote that about flax seed smoking point... so GOOD to know!

  9. This looks good but can you make it with out the stevia or the coconut. What would you suggest to sub for the stevia? We use Agave Syrup some would this work?

  10. Hi Melissa, I am new to your site but I love it!! I have been grain free and sugar free for almost 3 years now and am so happy I decided to go this route. I can't wait to try this cereal/granola recipe but my question is about the flax seeds. I have always read that flax seeds are of no benefit to us if they are not ground. I don't see in your directions that it says to grind them and the picture you show looks like they are whole. Do you know something I don't. :)
    Thanks for all these wonderful recipes. Can't wait to try them all!! The fluffy pancakes I made today were a big hit with me and my husband!

    1. Fyi, I make it with ground flax and it comes out fine. I've heard the same advice as you.

  11. I've made this twice now and I love it! Today I'm making a double batch (2 sheet pans, switching oven racks each time I stir). The crispiness of the pecans and almonds really mimics the crunch of toasted oats.


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