January 6, 2012

My Success Story and how to get started!

Finally! After a year of exciting events (new baby boy, new house)  I am proud to start documenting my cooking adventures.  After gaining almost 60 pounds with the pregnancy of my son, getting the weight off was a slow progress.

My Handsome Son, Hunter James!  Born May 29, 2011.  He weighted 8 lbs, 3 oz and was 21 3/4 in. long.

He loves riding in the buggy!

He is such a sweety pie!

It took him a little bit, but now he loves to eat!

Motherhood has been wonderful but because of my indulgence in grains and carbs while pregnant, I has some major work to do!

6 weeks before Hunter was born.  Last doctor visit before he was born, I weighted 183 pounds!!   I was carrying around an extra 58 pounds on a small, 5'1'' frame.  Starting weight 125. 
3 weeks after my son was born.  Mama had put on some weight!
I knew what to do since I teach Pilates and am a Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach, but I wasn't giving it my all. I had a few vices, trying to keep them and return to pre-pregnancy weight.  Major vice: Low carb Pita and lots of it!  Of course, low in carbs, but high in gluten from the wheat, and the extra gluten that they added.  I knew of the dangers of wheat and how important it was to keep blood sugar balanced, and for the most part I did well.  Then I stumbled upon the book "Wheat Belly" and started reading.  Learned so much about other things in wheat that were detrimental to my health (more to come on specifics later) and sabotaging my weight loss.  Four days into cutting out the grains, sugars, and moderate to high carb veggies, I lost 4 pounds!  WOW! And not only was the weight coming off, I wasn't craving the sugars and breads that I had before.   All the while, I have enjoyed all of my favorite foods: eggs, bacon, steak, dark meat chicken, pork, spinach, asparagus, green beans, etc. and my favorite: chocolate, oh yes, I said chocolate!  Some times I eat chocolate every night for a week! (Recipes to come- not just any chocolate will do)
5 1/2 months later, 55 pounds lost, gone, never to come back!

Join me while I share with you the recipes I have discovered or created that has made living healthy and losing and maintaining weight a breeze!  Not a cook?  Don't worry, I will teach you basic techniques and how to plan a menu so you can be sucessfull in your new adventure to eating whole, healthy foods!  You will be suprised how great the food taste even with out grains and sugar.  

Want to cook grain free and sugar free?  Here is a list of foods to avoid and foods to make sure you always keep on hand!

Foods to avoid: 

Other grains & Flours
Cereals (ALL cereals.... even Cheerios is not ok)
Oatmeal (yes, oatmeal.. this stuff will spike your blood sugar like crazy)
Gluten free foods (although they don't contain wheat, they are almost always loaded with other grains that will spike blood sugar)
Energy Bars
Agave Nectur
Artificial sweeteners (Splenda, Saccharine, Sweet -n- Low)
Trans fat
Products containing high fructose corn syrup
I can't believe it's not butter (cause it ain't)
Light butter (no such thing)
Anything that is a fat/dairy/protein that is advertised as fat free or low fat
Most prepared foods (read labels)

Foods to have on Hand in pantry at all times:


Coconut Flour 
Good quality eggs (lots and LOTS)
Whole milk cheese
Heavy Cream
Unsweetened Almond Milk
Unsweetened coconut milk
Unsweetened Cocoa 
Real Vanilla Extract (Recipe for homemade to come)
Ground Flax seeds
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
Butter (I like salted)
Baking Soda
Baking Powder
White Vinegar
Apple cider Vinegar
Other favorite spices and herbs
Unsweetened Chocolate (baking chocolate)

Veggies/Fruit: (Fresh or Frozen, preferably no canned)

Cauliflower (and lots of it- VERY versatile food)
Fresh or frozen green beans 
Most veggies, limiting those that are underground (potato, sweet-potato, carrots, etc.)

Meats/Proteins: (Good quality- Organic or grass fed is best but if not available or not in the budget, get as best of quality as possible.)  Choose weekly meats based on what is on sale at grocery store.

Chicken (thighs, breast, whole bird for roasting)
Ground beef
Pork roast/chops/ribs/boneless ribs
Eggs (lots of eggs)


Nuts & Seeds (Preferably raw)
Whole milk cheese (raw is preferable but not always available, so just get the best)
2% Greek yogurt (small quantities) 
All Natural Peanut butter or almond butter (organic is best)

Misc.  (Some recipes will call for the following ingredients)

Cream cheese,
Sour cream
60 %-80% chocolate chips

The above ingredient list should get you started.  The key is getting the above mentioned items and getting rid of everything else! (I boxed mine up and put in another room... that gave me a lot more room in my pantry).  What I have learned, if you have it you will eat it.  That can be a good thing and a bad thing.  If you keep the above foods stocked in your pantry and fridge at all times, you will always have the ingredients to cook a great meal, snack or dessert.  If you keep the bad stuff in your cubords, you will eat it and say you just want a taste then you will eat the whole bag of potato chips.

You won't miss a thing, I promise!!

What can you expect from this Blog??

Recipes.... and lots of them!

I have recipes for bread, muffins, cake, giant cookies, and just about everything you could ever want.  When listing recipes, I will list all ingredients needs, utensils needed and time needed so that you can plan ahead.

Meal Planning

I also will give meal planning ideas for the week based on the meals I plan on cooking for my family that week.

Ideas when Eating Out

We do eat out about once a week and I will give you a cheat sheet of the best things to choose when going out.

Articles and Education

It is important to educate, not indoctrinate.  I will continue to educate about the importance of whole foods, why the elimination of grains and sugars are so important and how it can stop and reverse metabolic diseases. 


  1. Is stevia extract different from regular stevia? I have loads of regular stevia already.

  2. Jessica, You can use the Stevia you already have. Most Stevia has a filler in it, maltodextrin which is made from the starches of different grains and potatoes. To most, harmless and no side effects. The packets are great to take with you when going out to eat but for home use, I recommend the pure Stevia with no filler. It is more economical as well. The Kal brand is less than 2 cent per serving! There is no aftertaste as well. I use it in my tea, coffee and all baked goods. I bought a stevia plant once, and the leaves tasted like sugar! The other stevias tend to have an aftertaste of some sort. With either one, you are good, just as long as you aren't eating any of the artificial stuff!

  3. I think the recipes on your site look fantastic - but I'm wondering about how much you can eat of the recipes that are heavily nut based. Would you eat something from a nut based recipe more than once a day? Seems very caloric.

    1. Great question Holly! Fat is not the problem in the American diet. Our grandparents and generations before used real butter and milk from their dairy cows and ate lots of meat from their farm. Many studies have shown (and many testimonies of others) that a high fat diet and a diet low in carbohydrates actually reduces cholesterol, and sometimes reversing diabetes. The government and doctors have been pushing a low fat diet for the past few decades and the only thing that has come from it is more obesity, more heart disease and more obesity related health issues.

      It is not necessary to count calories or fat. The only thing that I count are carbohydrates but not so much now because I know which veggies are more carbohydrate dense. Take a look at the links above under "Articles you should read." Very eye opening! Hope this helps. You are being put back to school to re-learn nutrition the way it should have been taught in school!

  4. Thank you, Thank You, Thank You!!! Your blog really makes me think I can stick to being wheat and grain free <3

  5. Laurie, you are welcome! I find that eating grain and sugar free is pretty easy once you have some basic recipes! More to come! ;-)

  6. Hi Melissa! I just found your blog and I will be trying ALL of your recipes! They look delicious. I recently read Wheat Belly and have been wheat free for 2 weeks. It took me a week to slowly get rid of everything on the DO NOT EAT list! Thanks for documenting your success. I look forward to sharing my success with you.

  7. I'm LOVING the Ebook but, can't wait to get the hard copy! Happy New Year!

  8. @jdeezy, How are you doing! So glad you found the blog and I hope you are enjoying all the recipes!

    @Karen L, so glad you are enjoying the ebook! Next week, Amazon should have the spiral bound version!!! Happy New Year to you to!!


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