March 11, 2012

Melissa's Sandwich Buns

Finally, a grain free bread that holds up to your favorite sandwich!
Like most people, I LOVE BREAD!!!!  It is such a convenience food! Growing up my dad used to say that you can "jam" anything in between 2 pieces of bread and call it a meal.  We did this with everything from tomatoes, bananas, homemade sweet pickles (this was a favorite) as well as a good ol' pb & J and of course, burgers.  I am so happy that I don't have to deprive myself of bread even though I have given up wheat and the Bunny Bread of my childhood!  These sandwich buns are so easy and convenient and can be used in place of regular bread for any of your favorite sandwiches!  

After giving up wheat and all grains, I quickly began to seek out a grain free bread alternative.  I was inspired by Elana's Pantry's "Paleo Bread" I love her recipe for bread but wanted a bread that didn't taste like coconut or any other nut.  I also wanted something that could hold up to a juicy burger. Every bread I have tried usually held together at first then just crumbled in my fingers making a big mess, especially if it contained something warm like a burger and sauce.  I would then make the bread slices thicker and that was just too much bread.  Preparing the bread in "buns" solves the problem of soggy bread and it allows the bread to maintain its structure while eating a sandwich. So the end result is something you stuff with your favorite fillings, pick up and eat with one hand!  Carefully slicing it in  half and toasting for just bit only makes this bun more durable and delicious!

Yes, there are quite a few ingredients in these buns.   The combo of almond and coconut flour with flaxseed meal help give it the right feel and texture.  The addition of vanilla and stevia give it just a bit of sweetness trying to mimic the taste you would get from a traditional loaf of bread.  
Top with Sesame Seeds before baking
I think this recipe is pretty simple.  You don't even need a mixer or blender.  I did all of my mixing with a whisk and it comes together fast but you will need an ice cream scoop and a muffin top pan. The muffin top pan allows more surface area to brown giving the bun more structure. The ice cream scoop ensures the buns are the same size as well as the right shape so that they bake evenly, not lumpy.   The muffin pan also helps give the buns a consistent size and shape.  To make sure the buns cover the entire bottom of the muffin top pan, hit the pan on the counter top 2 times and turn the pan and hit another 2 times.  Yes, I am serious.  If you don't, the buns will be small in diameter and rise too high and become thick.  If you try to flatten them with a spoon or knife, they will be lumpy.  If you hit the pan on the counter, this will also force out any air pockets and spread out the batter.  

I also love that making this bread recipe as buns speeds up the cooking time.  Cooking time is only 12-15 minutes!  As soon as the first 6 sandwich buns come out of the oven, transfer them to a cooling rack and pop in your next batch.  I didn't even need to use any type of butter or oil for the pan but you can if you are concerned your pan may stick.  So in 45 minutes "tops" you can bake 18 buns which is the equivalent of 36 pieces of bread!   

Store in refrigerator for 1 week in a plastic container, separating each bun by a layer of paper towels to prevent moisture from making buns soggy.  When ready to eat, carefully slice in half (or do this before storing in the refrigerator) with serrated knife or use a bagel cutter and eat cold or my favorite is to pop the bun in the toaster on the lightest setting.  Be careful of going too long in the toaster because the high fat content will cause the edges to burn very quickly.

Another thing that I like is that these buns are portable!  Slice the bun in half and place in a sandwich bag and take it with you and use your grain-free bun and leave the restaurant's bun on your plate!   So now that poor hamburger can have a bun, even when you go out!  I really do this! ;-) 
Freeze in an airtight container, perhaps wrapped in paper towels inside of a small sandwich bags.  They should last a couple weeks if not longer in freezer.  Just pop in the toaster when ready to eat or microwave for a few seconds to thaw.

Now, go enjoy your favorite burger or sandwich or treat the bun like an English muffin and spread it with cream cheese or butter and your favorite no-sugar preserves.  The possibilities are endless! 

Note:  If wanting to make these dairy free, follow Elana's Pantry Recipe and substitute stevia for honey and follow the instructions below to make it into buns. 
Breakfast- Bacon Egg & Cheese

Lunch- Ham Sandwich
Dinner- Grilled Chicken with Avocado and Bacon

Dinner- Cheese Burger with Bacon and Avocado 
Pulled Pork sandwich with my BBQ sauce and  coleslaw. 
Melissa's Sandwich Buns
Makes 18 buns

Dry Ingredients
3 cups almond flour (10 oz by weight)
1/2 cup coconut flour (2 oz by weight)
1/4 cup ground flaxseed
1 tbsp plus 1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp Kal Brand Stevia
1/4 tsp salt (if not using salted butter)

Wet Ingredients
2 tbsp Vinegar 
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup water
8 eggs, well beaten
1/2 cup butter, melted

Optional topping:  Sesame Seeds 
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 
  2. In bowl, mix dry ingredients. 
  3. Add vinegar to dry.
  4. In separate bowl, blend all remaining wet ingredients well.
  5. Scoop batter into muffin top pan using ice cream scoop. 
  6. Hit pan on counter top 2 times then turn pan and hit 2 more times, this produces a more even thickness and gets out air bubbles!
  7. Bake for 13-15 minutes then remove and cool on wire rack.
  8. Store in refrigerator for up to a week. 
  9. To serve: Carefully slice bun in half using serrated knife (or bagel cutter).  Toast on lowest setting to extra strength.
Note:  I recommend slicing in half before storage in the refrigerator  to make these Sandwich buns convenient for the kids.
Each Sandwich Bun: A little over 3 carbs
Regular whole wheat bun: 16-25 grams of carbs


  1. Made these today and they were the absolute best sandwich bread substitute I've tried so far! The batter even smelled like yeast bread somehow. So glad I now have some easy bread recipe esp. for my diabetic son who just wants to eat like a kid sometimes.

  2. Will be making this next weekend. Sounds great for sandwiches for work.

  3. Michelle, these are great for on the go! I actually take the buns to restaurants and eat a burger on my bun! ;-) They freeze well and keep for over a week in fridge so I always make a batch or 2!

  4. I made these this afternoon and they tasted great, but the consistency was more like a drop biscuit instead of a sandwich bun. I couldn't get them to spread out in the muffin top pan, even with an ice cream scoop and hitting the pan on the counter. Any suggestions? (I wasn't sure when to add the vanilla, heavy cream, and water so I did them all at the end with the butter, but I wouldn't think that would make a difference.) Thanks for sharing your recipes!

  5. Hi Michelle. First I wanted to thank you for your blog. Now I want to discuss this recipe. I honestly believe this will forever be my bread substitute. Thank you! With that said...I was a bit confused with the recipe where to add the wet I just winged it. I had to improvise as I was totally out of coconut flour and I left out the vanilla. Next batch I will not improvise. Except for the butter. Is there really a need for the butter??? This batch after they have cooled are so greasy...I'm assuming from the butter. I am also wondering if next batch if I want to improvise and use coconut oil instead. Just a thought. I have a muffin top pan...and they did not come out big enough for a burger. So the second batch in the oven, I just scooped to parchment paper. I think the parchment paper will work better and by adding a heaping scoop I think they will be the right size for burgers! yaaaa. I'd really like your input! Thanks!!! ~melody in oregon~

  6. What vinegar do you use? Is it to give it a rise?

  7. Hi Melissa,
    The instructions say to add the vinegar, then eggs, then butter, but it leaves out the vanilla, cream, and water: when do you add the vanilla, cream and water?
    Thanks! Love your recipes!

  8. @Public School Mom, try adding just a bit more water, maybe a 2 tablespoons, it shouldn't hurt recipe. Let me know how it turns out!

    @Melody, glad you enjoy the blog and the bread. Sorry about the confusing with wet ingredients, it has now been corrected. Add vinegar to dry ingredients and then the remaining wet ingredients are to be mixed will in a separate bowl and then added to dry. I haven't had any of the buns turn out greasy, I definitely think the butter is needed. You can always try cutting back and see if you get different result. I think if you mix the melted butter with the rest of the wet ingredients it will help the butter blend better.

    @Ashley Mae, yes, the vinegar is for the leavening. It reacts with the Baking Soda to form Co2 thus giving the rise to the bread.

    @Pearl, I just corrected the directions for the wet ingredients. Hope that helps! Just mix all wet ingredients (Except vinegar) all together then add to dry. Glad you are enjoying the recipes!

  9. Oh, and I'm thrilled to find you on FB too! so, I thought to let you know that I made a 2nd batch. This time I put it all into a loaf pan and I used coconut oil instead of butter. It's pretty dense but that's ok too. I know this is now our go to bread, I won't be buying anymore at the store. But I'm wondering if next time I should try baking powder instead of baking soda??

  10. Thanks for the clarification in the recipe, Melissa! I've assembled the ingredients and ordered my muffin top pan, and as soon as my new pan arrives, this is going in the oven!

  11. Which shelf in the oven should I put them on?

  12. Just made a batch of these for my mother, who was thoroughly unimpressed with gluten free muffins she bought from the store (she said they were like hockey pucks), so I popped on your site and found this recipe. My mother is impressed and ecstatic that she can now have eggs Benedict! Thanks for all your hard work perfecting recipes!

  13. I've got my first batch in the oven right now! They sure seem big. may need to get a couple more of those muffin top sheet pans. Wish me luck! I hope they come out as great as all the other recipes I've tried thus far.

  14. YES YES YES - I will never buy burger buns again! Thank YOU!

  15. Hi Melissa, thanks for this wonderful recipe. I have never heard of a muffin top pan, could you tell me where to purchase one. thanks agaiin

  16. Hi Melissa, thanks for this wonderful website. I am new to wheat and gluten free foods but, I have learned so much this past week from your site. I did find a muffin top pan at Krogers. The bun size seem smaller than your pictures, I was wondering what brand your pan is and where you bought it. I made a half batch today and my muffin top pan made 12 buns. They are cooling on the rack now and they smell wonderful! I do not mind the smaller size as I had gastric bypass surgery 3 months ago and I eat very small portions. After eating wheat and gluten free for one week, I have not had any flare ups with my irritable bowel syndrome. I am looking forward to hearing from you about the brand of muffin top pan you use. Thanks again!!!

  17. Love this and all of your recipes. Thank you so much for sharing them with everyone, it is a gift to all of us low-carbers. Keep up the good work!

  18. I made these this past weekend. I used coconut milk instead of heavy cream and ground almonds instead of almond flour. I couldn't find the almond flour and was told ground almonds are the same thing. They didn't turn out like yours did and I'm wondering if it's because of the changes I made....Any clarification would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  19. Is there any way that you can post a variation of this recipe using easier to find wheat free flour? I cannot find any coconut or almond flour here (the closest I can find is flaxseed flour, wheat free & dairy free all purpose baking flour, or potato flour). I would order the flours online, but shipping it outrageous, especially to Alaska. I really want to find a good low carb, wheat free sandwich thin recipe like this one, but I need ingredients I can actually find. Thanks

  20. I just made these buns, I love them!! They have a great taste and texture. They are the best low carb, grain free bread that I have tried. I will be making them often. Thank you!!

  21. I must have done something wrong. After reading all the rave reviews I gave these a try. I used my own almond flour(ground from almonds) and all the other ingredients were identical except I used liquid sucralose. My buns were horribly lumpy and had an extremely strange aftertaste. I threw the whole batch away after choking one down. What is the secret? Does it have to be almond flour ground fine from the store? Does it have to be the Swerve ? I'm afraid to try these again as it was so many ingredients to just toss away. I should of taken a photo, but mine sure were NOT a nice looking bun, no substitute for bread at all.

  22. Glad everyone is enjoying the buns recipe!

    @Debbie, I have never made these buns using fresh ground almond flour so I am assuming that is the difference. I buy Honeyville by the case to keep my cost down. I don't use Swerve in an recipe but only use Kal Stevia to sweeten and can be omitted from this recipe all together or just a pinch added for a hint of sweetness. Also, be sure to whisk ingredients well to avoid any lumps. You can always make a half batch if that suits your needs better. Hope this helps.

  23. Thank You! These are simply amazing. I have been on my heat free journey for 3 1/2 weeks and have lost 13 lbs. I stopped having cravings after two days. I had already been gluten free for over a year but those flours are just too high in carbs. Even though I am not having cravings, I missed a burger or BLT. I saw your recipe this last Tuesday and ran out and got the proper pan yesterday. Yikes, $30.00! It will be worth every penny. I am over the sticker shock. I enjoyed a fabulous BLT last night and I have to say again thanks so much. Susan, Texas Hill Country

  24. Suzi D, so glad you liked them! I LOVE a BLT and enjoy them often using this bread or the one in the Cookbook! I was partially gluten free before going grain free and cutting out all of the high carb grains did it for me as well! Keep up the good work!

  25. I made these tonight using my own freshly ground almonds and they turned out picture perfect! Whisking the ingredients together worked very well. I sliced one to have with dinner, spread it with butter, and oh, my goodness, it was wonderful! Like others have said, it's the best "bread replacement" I've had. So soft, and with a mild taste that's very much like store bread. Thanks, Melissa!

  26. Thank you Melissa! I am having fits trying to find the right size muffin top pan. Ordered one and the holes were small. ugh thought it was larger holes. The Walmart nor the Target around here sells them the last time I checked! :-( I think I am going to tell my daughter I want your cookbook for my birthday or mothers day present one. I just got to try this recipe because all the bread recipes we have that we have liked so far is for one and is cooked in the microwave. We usually do 7-8 at a time but they're gone in no time. lol So this would be AWESOME because we could do a double batch!
    Thank you again!!

  27. These are in the oven right now. I will report back once they are done and I have tasted them! Can't wait and I hope I love them.

  28. I just made these this past weekend and they are absolutely perfect. I am dairy free so I tried the Paleo bread link you attached last weekend and although I liked it, I LOVE the buns more. I substituted coconut milk for the heavy cream and I used my dairy free butter. The muffin top pan makes the perfect size and density. Thank you for producing this blog and the face book page. Your efforts are most appreciated.

  29. didn't have a muffin top pan I used pot pie tins from the dollar store lined with parchment worked great. Thanks for an excellent recipe. Love your idea of switching out the buns when not eating at home. Congratulations on the new addition, hope everything is going great.

  30. I have to put in ear plugs when I make these. O.o I bang the crap out of them and make them uber thin before they go in the oven. So far I've made them by putting the vinegar in the wet first and in the dry first and haven't noticed a difference...I mention it because I don't follow directions and put all of the wet together, then the dry...then I read the directions and went, "CRAP!" But all was ok. :D These are a life saver, btw...I stick 'em in my purse on my way to the burger joint or whatever and I don't miss out on anything.

  31. BTW...for those trying super hard to find the right muffin top pan....I don't use one. I just cover a cookie sheet with parchment and go to town...perfect buns every time.

  32. Is there a reason this recipe is different from the one in your cookbook? I just made the buns in your cookbook and am enjoying a sandwich as I type.

  33. Can I leave the stevia out to make a more savory bun?


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