February 28, 2013

Nature's Natural Sore Throat Remedy

During this time of year, the air seems to be filled with allergies, sore throats and colds! I HATE a sore throat!  Check out this natural remedy!

Note:  The straw is so the cayenne pepper doesn't hit your lips as much. You can omit it but if it helps my throat heal a little quicker, I am all for it! ;-)  Also, after gargling,  spit and swallow the residual left in your mouth, even better (it takes me about 3-4 separate gargles to finish the given amount).  

Nature's Natural Sore Throat Remedy

2 tbsp Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tsp Raw Honey
1 tsp hot water (to help honey melt)
Pinch of Cayenne Pepper (optional)

Mix well and gargle for 20-30 seconds.  Spit, swallow residual in mouth and repeat until gone.  Repeat every few hours.

Check out these links about the healing properties of raw Honey, Raw Apple Cider Vinegar & Cayenne Pepper!


  1. I just wanted to let you know that I just discovered your blog and your book. I purchased the book immediately for my kindle! It seems your recipes fit in very well for the diet I need to follow for my PCOS. Thank you so much!

  2. @Amy M, glad you found my blog and cookbook! Hope you are enjoying the recipes!


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