January 20, 2012

5 minute Ice Cream... No machine needed!

My kind of ice cream served with Homemade blueberry syrup  
What better way to end a great meal than to have some ice cream.  I know it is technically Winter but seasons and living grain and sugar free don't stop me from having on of my favorite foods!  If you reach for the stuff in the freezer section of the grocery, you will see a list of ingredients a mile long and words you don't know how to say.   I usually make my own ice cream so that I can keep the sugar and artificial sweeteners out.    
Blueberry milkshake! 
Don't be afraid of unsweetened almond milk and coconut milk.  You can make the ice cream with with straight unsweetened almond and coconut milk if you are lactose intolerant, although the texture will not be as smooth.  Unsweetened almond milk and coconut milk are also great tools in your arsenal for those trying to cut out the blood sugar spiking carbs.  You can substitute other dairy for the almond and coconut milk but it will effect the carb count.  Any way you make this ice cream, it is so much better than the stuff in the store!

We are in the process of moving and I moved all of my gadgets over to the new house so I didn't have my ice cream maker.  Well, that didn't stop me.  I have heard someone say they made ice cream in a bag.  It made sense, I was just curious to how long it would take.  It only took 5 minutes or less! Don't shake to long or it will freeze solid, keep it moving.  My electric ice cream maker takes way longer than this recipe! This is another great recipe to get the kids helping you in the kitchen.  I can't wait till Hunter gets old enough to make mama some ice cream! ;-)  

This is great for a small batch.  When you snip the bag to squeeze out your culinary creation, it's just like soft serve.  It does melt fast, so be ready to eat! 

Want chocolate, add some unsweetened cocoa powder.  Top with some nuts.  Go crazy! I made a blueberry milk shake by adding some of my homemade blueberry syrup to my glass!  

5 Minute Ice Cream in a Bag

1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk
1/2 cup of coconut milk 
1 tsp vanilla
1/8 tsp of stevia or to taste (yeah, it don't take much).  

Mix ingredients well and pour into a quart size bag.  Make sure it is sealed well.  Place in gallon bag and fill with ice and rock salt.  Seal gallon bag well.  Shake or turn over, and over (and over), for about 5 minutes until ice cream thickens.  Snip one end of quart bag and squeeze into serving dish like soft serve.  


1/2 cup serving (using almond & coconut milk as described), 2.5 carbs
1/2 cup serving (using 1/2 and 1/2 or regular dairy milk in place of almond and coconut), around 10 carbs. 

1/2 cup store bought no sugar, fat free vanilla ice cream: 19 carbs or more!


  1. Lovely blog! I am loving it!! Will come back again. I am taking your feeds also

  2. I tried this tonight in my Vitamix blender and it came out kinda soupy. I don't think I used enough ice, but it had a pleasant taste to it. It was enough to kill that sugar craving!

  3. We made this tonight and it worked great and it was fun!! Thanks!

  4. @LindaG, glad you liked it, quick, easy and tasty!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I Love this ice cream, it's better than any store-bought. And I love it with your chocolate chip cookies, oh, heaven! I make the cc-cookies and scoop them onto the cookie sheet. Then I prepare the ice cream and get it ready to turn in the bag. I put the cookies in the oven, then start turning the ice cream bag. Both are done about the same time, then you have warm from the oven cc-cookies to have with fresh cold vanilla ice cream--few things in life are better!

    Thanks for the photo with the plastic bag in the glass, that helps a lot in assembling the ice cream recipe! And thanks for all your wonderful recipes, Melissa!

    Please include a "tips" section in your cookbook. Also, you could next break your cookbook down, and sell separate cookbooks for "Deserts", "Main Dishes", "Dinners", "Breakfasts", etc.

  7. OMG - This is AMAZING! I can't believe how delicious the vanilla flavor is. I can't wait to try making other flavors. As soon as I have some of your recipes mastered, I will never buy bread or ice cream again! <3 I'm so grateful to you for blogging your recipes! Your site has been the first (that I've found) in a LONG time, that guides us plain and simple! I commend you!

    Having read the book Wheat Belly and making your recipes, I'm down 9.8lbs in 11 days! For anyone reading Melissa's blog and contemplating going wheat free & sugar free, DO IT. You will be feeling amazing (and NOT hungry) in no time!

  8. @Pearl, glad you are enjoying ice-cream and chocolate chip cookies! Isn't life grand!! ;-)

    @Karen, isn't it nice not to deprive yourself from ice-cream!? I haven't bought ice-cream in probably 2 years and I love that I can make it and know what is in it! So glad you are enjoying the blog and recipes and congrats again on your success!! Spread the word!

  9. Would this work if you poured the recipe items into an ice cream maker - the kind with the frozen bowl?http://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-ICE-20-Automatic-2-Quart-Cream/dp/B00000JGRT

  10. @Jennifer, yes! When I created this recipe I didn't have an ice-cream maker so the bag method did the trick. Now I have one just like you linked too! I love my ice-cream!

  11. Do you mean coconut milk that comes in a cardboard carton or the canned kind?

  12. @hmjones, I only use the coconut milk in the can but actually have just switched over to homemade coconut milk. Check out my new blog over at www.SatisfyingEats.com for new recipes!


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