June 22, 2012

Cucumber Caprese Salad

This is such an easy dish using some of the best veggies and herbs from the garden.  The cucumber takes this caprase salad to the next level.  

I eat this with a spoon so I can be sure to get all of the balsamic vinaigrette out of the bowl!

Nothing better than fresh ingredients from the garden!
Cucumber Caprese Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette

8 oz of fresh mozzarella cut up in 1 inch cubes (or mozzerella balls)
1 large cucumber, seeds removed (scoop out with small spoon)
4 basil leaves, thinly sliced
8 oz cherry tomatoes, cut in half

  1. Toss all ingredients in bowl
  2. Add balsamic vinaigrette (see below)

Balsamic Vinaigrette

1/4 cup Balsalmic Vinegar
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 cloves of garlic, smashed
2 servings Kal Stevia (to taste)
1/8th tsp of salt
Dash of black pepper

  1. Mix all ingredient in a small pint size jar.  Shake well.


  1. This is my favorite salad in the world--but anything with fresh basil in it rings my bells! I've used red AND yellow tomatoes together in this salad--so pretty--but I've never tried cucumber, which I will do next weekend. Do you ever peel your cucumber in this salad? Does it make a difference? Love your blog!

  2. Thanks Pearl! Caprese Salads are awesome! What's not to love about cheese and tomato and balsamic vinegar! The cucumber was my summer spin since I have so many coming from my in-laws. I kept the skin on for color and texture! Very refreshing!


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