September 1, 2012

Easy Sugar-Free Strawberry Daiquiri and Exciting News...

I know it's been a while since you have officially heard from me or my kitchen but I haven't been feeling my best.  Food has become the enemy once again, 9 weeks of nausea and counting!!  Yep, you guessed it, we are expecting! ;-)   We are very excited but I will be more excited when the nausea subsides and since I am 13 weeks, hopefully it will be soon!  

I am so thankful that for this pregnancy, I know to stay away from wheat, grains and other high carb foods!  I am so happy I picked up the book "Wheat Belly" almost 1 year ago!!  By this time during my last pregnancy, I was having horrible migraines that lasted 36 hours at a time and putting on weight very rapidly!  So far with this pregnancy, I have only gained a few pounds and only one migraine which was induced by wheat! ;-(  I am eating more often which is different but just so happy to know what to eat and what not to eat this go around. Gluten Free products are still on the DO NOT EAT LIST!  They make me more nauseous because of the blood sugar crash that comes almost immediately after eating them! I feel best sticking to my blog recipes and continuing to eat grain free, sugar free and avoiding high carb foods.  I don't need the extra carbs even being pregnant, even though in the beginning of the "morning" sickness, I thought that they would make me feel better but I only felt worse! I am excited that I will be able to avoid the major pitfalls of my first pregnancy (60 pound weight gain- almost half my body weight) and hopefully help some other mom's along the way!  Anyone else expecting and eating grain and sugar free????  

Even though I haven't been posting many recipes, when my stomach can tolerate it, I have been working tirelessly on recipes for the cookbook!  Some of my latest creations are Shrimp and "Grits" which my husband says is better than any he has ever had in a restaurant and coming from that Louisiana Boy, that really means something! ;-)  I also have been perfecting a few confections such as Peanut Butter Balls and Peanut Butter Clusters (I love peanut butter)!  This stage in the game does slow me down a bit but it doesn't stop me.  I am still shooting for the end of October, maybe early November for the cookbook to be complete, just in time for Thanksgiving! 

In the mean time, please enjoy this recipe for a Sugar-Free Strawberry Daiquiri!  Very refreshing and of course for me, I omitted the booze. Cheers!

30 Second Sugar-Free Strawberry Daiquiri
Serves 2

10 medium strawberries, sliced in half
10 ice cubes
1/2 cup of cold water
Juice of 1/2 lime
3+ servings of Kal Stevia (to taste)

  1. Place all ingredients in a Magic Bullet or blender.
  2. Blend until you no longer hear ice, around 30 seconds.
  3. Taste for sweetness and adjust if necessary.
  4. Optional: Top with a dollop of plain whipped cream or whipped coconut milk and enjoy!

*Regular Daiquiris have anywhere from 35-45 grams of carbs per 8 oz and everyone ALWAYS drinks more than that.
*My Daiquiri has about 5 grams!  


  1. Congratulations! I am 10 weeks pregnant and also trying to eat grain and sugar-free. Good luck!

  2. wow amazing recipe can i use xylitol sugar free in this

  3. @ Laura, congrats to you! Hope you are feeling well!

    @ Viewer, you could always use another form of sweetener. I would worry the xylitol would not dissolve well.

  4. Well I missed you at Farmer's market here in Baton Rouge and NOW I know the reason why. Congrats

    Well I tried the Garlic Cheese Pizza Crust this evening for supper and I loved it....a great alternative to the Wheat...Thanks for the recipes.
    I look forward to your cookbook....definitely sign me up for a copy or two, as my sister is a celiac and could use your cookbook for everyday meals

  5. Really Congrats! and i also read this book Wheat Belly its really nice and informative its describe information aobut sugar free ketchup recipe


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