April 25, 2012

90-Second Strawberry-Coconut Soft Serve (Dairy Free)

Coconut and strawberries, the perfect combination. 
I love ice cream and I have made it every way known to man.  Well, at least know to me! Hand churned is way too much work.  It's a pain in the you know what to get the big ice cream maker out and have to deal with rock salt and ice.  The makers that you have to freeze over night before you can use them, I want ice-cream and I don't want to wait that long.

I have been making my 30 Second Weight Loss Shake for a while now with lots of variations like cocoa powder, blueberries and strawberries.  I was wondering what would happen if I froze coconut milk and used that in place of almond milk.  I also wanted something different from a shake, something thicker.  Strawberry season is here and I have been getting 1/2 flat of strawberries every 2 weeks from the farmer's market and I am trying to think of different ways to use them.

Lets keep this simple: 5 ingredients: Canned coconut milk, strawberries, almond milk, stevia (or other sweetener) and a splash of vanilla.  That's it and if you add more strawberries, it is possible you could skip out on the Stevia all together. 

If you haven't made my previous shake using frozen almond milk, all you do is pour your milk into ice cube trays and freeze.  Done!  
Frozen Coconut Milk (use Canned)
You will need a powerful blender that can crush ice well.  I have a Ninja and it worked pretty good.  You will have to scrape down the sides a few times to make sure it all blends. 

***VERY IMPORTANT: If you let the strawberries and almond milk cubes freeze overnight, they will be VERY hard.  Let them sit out at room temperature for 15-20 minutes before blending or you will keep having to add more liquid and it will take a bit longer.  I figured this out on my second batch.  It still turned out great, just took a little longer.  Different blenders will also cause different blending times so have patience and keep blending and scraping down until smooth.

Note:  You can use all coconut milk if you would like for an even stronger coconut flavor and if you have a nut allergy.  I used unsweetened almond milk to help thin it out just a bit.

90-Second Strawberry-Coconut Soft Serve (Dairy Free)
Makes about 5, 1/2 cup servings

6 cubes of frozen coconut milk (from can- shake well before pouring into trays)
1 pint strawberries- washed, stems removed and frozen (cut in half if very large)
1/2 cup canned coconut milk
1 cup (or more) almond milk, unsweetened 
Stevia to taste (I used Kal Brand and used 7 servings)
1 tsp Pure vanilla  extract

  1. Add frozen coconut milk cubes to blender
  2. Add Strawberries, coconut milk, 1/2 cup of the almond milk and stevia.
  3. Use ice crush button and run blender for 30 seconds.  Stop and scrape sides. Add 1/4 cup almond milk.
  4. Blend for another 15 seconds.  Scrape sides and note texture.  Add 1/4 almond milk if needed.
  5. Blend for 15 more seconds (or longer) until the consistency of soft serve ice-cream.  
  6. Taste for sweetness.
***Be sure to check out Satisfying Eats on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SatisfyingEats


  1. Looks delicious! I have been feeding my family primal for a few months now and love it. The only problem is sticking to a reasonable food budget. I wondered it you would do a post on how much you spend on food and also more food planning. Your other post on menu planning was awesome!

    I love your blog and recipes! I am in Texas and love the Southern spin:)

  2. Krissykay, glad you are enjoying the recipes! Unfortunately, I will not be able to post food cost. I shop what's on sale, what's at farmer's market, I buy in bulk, eat seasonal and shop online to get the best prices. I will be doing another week of meal planning soon. Glad you like the southern spin!


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